The story revolves around T.B. Stone, a private investigator, and his partner/wife, Luce. They are asked by Connie, Luce’s aunt, to investigate a series of stalking incidents at the university where she used to work. The stalker’s actions escalate, culminating in the murder of a woman and Connie’s kidnapping. Stone and Luce’s investigation leads them to a group led by Brian Murray, a former student of Connie’s, who has developed a dangerous technology to control minds. The situation intensifies when Stone and Luce are attacked, leaving Luce in a coma. Stone, driven by a desire for revenge and to rescue Connie, relentlessly pursues Murray and his group. With the help of friends and allies, they uncover Murray’s plan to use his technology for mass mind control.
Book Cover Love, Pride, and Murder is a murder mystery taking place in New Hampshire, primarily Concord and upstate, near Hanover and Woodstock. It is told, in first-person style, by T. B. Stone, a local private investigator. TB is decidedly not hard-boiled, nor is he painfully rational. Instead, he tends to be intuitive, conjuring up solutions inductively with the help of friends and colleagues.The plot unfolds largely through encounters with others and is driven by relationships that form along the way. As an example, and as the novel progresses, TB finds himself falling for his client, Lucia, who ultimately helps him pursue the case.TB gets caught up with spies, assassins, and an assortment of unsavory deeds. The solution to the mystery is less obvious than it may seem, and in the end, there is nothing cozy about it. However, cozy is as cozy does, so most readers will find it comfortable reading.
Dennis A. Feece is a former book manufacturer and Pastoral Associate, now a novelist in PA.
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